TUITION 2025-2026
All families must register on Blackbaud Tuition (Smart Tuition).
This is the link:
Please go to to access your account.
A. All tuition and fee payments must be set up for automatic deductions from checking account or credit card on BLACKBAUD TUITION. Tuition paid in full by August 2nd will receive a 5% discount. In accordance with Archdiocesan policy, an interruption in services will occur for students with tuition 2 months or more past due. All Blackbaud Tuition accounts must be set up for automatic debit/credit collection.
B. Subsidized Tuition (Parishioner rate)- In order to receive the parishioner tuition rate (Tuition Rate A) you must be a parishioner at a Roman Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Newark. We ask that the Pastor form be completed to confirm you are registered.
D. Registration fee ($400.00 full time students. Part Time ECC students $225) and technology fee ($100.00 per student) for the 2025-26 school year will be automatically added to your BLACKBAUD TUITION account. You MUST go through Blackbaud Tuition for this payment. Check or Credit cards will NOT be accepted through the school office.
E. Fundraising - 2025-2026 Fundraising Obligation
Full time students $600 plus a $30 HSA fee. Part Time ECC students $400 plus a $30 HSA fee.
My name is Christine DeVito and I am the bursar for Visitation Academy. I am here to help you with any questions/concerns with Blackbaud.
As a reminder, approximately 10 days before your account is to be charged via auto-pay, Blackbaud Tuition will send you a reminder of the amount. If there are any questions or concerns about the charges, please reach out to me immediately and I will work on resolving them as quickly as possible for you.
If you are not receiving a reminder email, please let me know and I will work with Blackbaud to remedy the situation.
You should have an online setup in Blackbaud.
Please go to to access your account. If you have any issues finding your account there, please reach out to me immediately.
In addition, there is a parent help desk that Blackbaud runs which you can call
(888-868-8828) or email ([email protected]) for assistance.
Please feel free to reach out to me at any time at [email protected].
I look forward to serving you.
Christine DeVito
Visitation Academy Bursar
Visitation Academy Blackbaud Tuition Management Representative