Welcome to Visitation Academy School Year
1. If you have not yet submitted the Physical Exam & Immunization Records to the Health Office, please do so as soon as possible as your child cannot start school until ALL forms are submitted.
2. If your child has any allergies, please send in the EpiPen or Auvi-Q in the original box with the prescription label on it. Also, the allergy care plan must also be included. If you do not have one, please contact me and I will send you one to be filled out by your doctor.
3. If your child has asthma and is required to be on an inhaler, please send in the
asthma care plan and medication in the original box with the prescription label on it.
4. Any as-needed medication must be accompanied with a doctor’s note and
medication administration form.
5. As mandated by the State of New Jersey, any child registered in a Pre-K 3 or
Pre-K 4 program must receive the Flu Shot by December 31st of the current year.
No Religious Exemptions are accepted.
When you should keep your child home from school:
1. Fever – keep your child home if their temperature is 100.0° F or higher. Wait
until your child is fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication
before letting them return to school.
2. Diarrhea – is often the result of infection, food poisoning, or a side-effect to
medications such as antibiotics. Keep your child home until stools are formed
and your doctor gives the okay for them to come back to school. Make sure your
child stays well hydrated.
3. Vomiting – is usually caused by a stomach virus or other infection. Keep your
child home if they have vomited twice or more in the last 24 hours. Your child
should tolerate meals before returning to school. They can return to school after
symptoms clear up or your doctor says they are no longer contagious.
4. Severe Cough – if your child has a severe cough and excessive runny nose
with yellowish-green discharge, you should keep your child home from school. A
serious cough could be a sign of contagious conditions like whooping cough, viral bronchitis, or croup. It can also be a sign of asthma or allergies.
5. Sore Throat – it can be a symptom of strep throat or a common cold. If your
child has been diagnosed with strep throat, keep your child at home for at least
24 hours after starting antibiotics. If your child has a mild cold, it is okay to go to
6. Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) – it is contagious and your child should stay
home from school for the first 24 hours after treatment begins. Symptoms of pink eye include eye redness, irritation, swelling, and pus.
7. Earaches – they are not contagious and there may be no need to keep your
child home for a mild earache, as long as your child feels well enough to
8. Rashes – can be a sign of contagious conditions such as chickenpox, bacterial
meningitis, or impetigo. You should keep your child home until they are
diagnosed. They can return to school after the symptoms are gone and their
doctor gives the okay.
9. Mild Cold or Respiratory Symptoms – are no reason to keep your child
home as long as their nasal drainage is NOT excessive and clear, and their
cough is mild. Please teach and reinforce hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol can be used.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at
[email protected] or call me at 201-262-6067 ext. 206.
Nursing services are provided for our school partially with a state grant and partially by the school. We have full time nurse coverage.