The Empowering God's Children Program is required by the Archdiocese of Newark for all students enrolled in grades K-12. Cardinal Tobin and Karen Clark, Executive Director of the Department for the Protection of the Faithful have created videos to help explain the importance of this Archdiocesan program.
The video featuring Cardinal Tobin can be viewed here, while the video with Executive Director Karen Clark is available here. All Visitation Academy students enrolled in grades K-8 will be receiving the RCL Benziger Family Life Program. This program has been revised in accordance with the USCCB to meet Protecting God’s Children Guidelines and fulfills our Empowering God’s Children requirement. Every family received a Parent Connection magazine in their child’s backpack October 29th. This supports the parents’ role as the first and primary educators of their children in faith and moral living.
All parents must read the magazine and return the attached form. Please DO NOT WRITE in the magazine. PLEASE RETURN THIS SIGNED FORM AND MAGAZINE by November 12th. 24-25 Empowering God's Children Letter