Design Your Own Visitation Academy Spirit Wear
Every student has a chance to submit their drawing to be entered to win the chance to be this school year’s Spirit Wear designer and showcase their original design for sale. It is ONLY $3 to enter, and all drawings will be displayed during Catholic School’s Week, and the school will vote on 1/31/25.
Design a black-and-white picture that represents what VA means to you, a new logo, or even your take on the mascot.
All drawings must be done on a sheet of white copy paper and done in black ink, with no coloring. They must also follow the student handbook and rules of the school, such as no curse words, appropriate content, and no violence.
Parents must sign the attached permission slip stating that they are aware that their child is submitting their drawing, and if chosen, their drawing will be produced on t-shirts for the students and families of the school. This means extended family members and friends outside of VA may be wearing their design, too.
It is $3 to enter the contest. Please send the drawing and attach the envelope with the permission slip and $3 with the student’s name, grade, and attention: HSA.
All drawings must be submitted by 1/24/25 so they can be displayed for the Open House and Catholic School’s Week. On 1/31/25, the students of VA will be able to vote for their favorite design. The winner will be announced the week of February 3rd, and shirts will be available to purchase by the end of February.
Name: _______________________________________________ Grade: __________
I give permission for my child to submit a drawing for the Visitation Academy Spirit Wear Contest and understand that if my child wins, their drawing will be on Spirit Wear for the entire school to purchase.
Parents name:_____________________________________ Date: _____________
(ENCLOSE $3.00 CASH in an envelope)