1. What is the role of the Archdiocesan Catholic Education Services (ACES)?
ACES is the managing and service arm of the Archdiocese for its Catholic elementary schools and works closely with the Office of the Superintendent of Schools and the Office of Finance and Human Resources. Through service agreements with each parish, ACES provides instructional, marketing, development, financial and personnel services to each parish school and to the School Advisory Board.
2. What is the role of the School Advisory Board (SAB)?
The role of the School Advisory Board rests exclusively in the areas of strategic planning, finance, facilities, marketing, and development activities. The School Advisory Boards represent the educational institutions of the Archdiocese of Newark under the authority of ACES. The SAB leadership fosters an environment which promotes Catholic values, long-term strategic planning and financial stability. The role of the SAB complements and supports the school's mission to nurture through its religious and academic curriculum and extracurricular programs the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical and social growth of each student.
3. Whom does the School Advisory Board advise?
The School Advisory Board advises the Principal, who works collaboratively with the Pastor and the School Advisory Board.
4. What is the position title and purpose of the School Advisory Board? Who is the supervisor?
Position Title: School Advisory Board Member
Reports To: School Advisory Board Chair
Purpose: To act as voting members of the School Advisory Board; to represent the best interests of the school; to oversee the school's planning, finances, and facilities; as well as to assure that the school meets its marketing and development goals and objectives.
5. What are the individual SAB member's duties?
Individual SAB members are expected to:
A Attend all board and committee meetings and show commitment to board and school activities
Be informed on issues and agenda items in advance of meetings
B. Contribute skills, knowledge, and experience as appropriate
C. Support all decisions of the full board
D. Assume leadership roles in all board activities as appropriate
E. Participate in professional development training for boards
6. What is the composition of the School Advisory Board?
The School Advisory Board will comprise no fewer than 9 and no more than 15 members proposed by the Pastor and Principal and approved by the Archbishop, and should include:
Members may serve two or three-year terms, which will be staggered to provide continuity. Parents, as well as parishioners of parishes that do not have schools, may serve on the School Advisory Board.
8. Will there still be a role for parents?
Yes. Parents are encouraged to participate in the life of the school as they always have. In fact, the call to the laity that is at the heart of Lighting the Way provides increased opportunities for parents to serve their individual schools as members of their School Advisory Board and various committees and to be more vocal and visible proponents of Catholic education.
Committee Members: We have four sub-groups within our School Advisory Board. They are in the areas of Finance, Facility Maintenance, Marketing, Curriculum, and Alumni Relations. New members willbe posted.
We can use parent volunteers to work on committees run by an Advisory Board member. They are in the areas of Finance, Facility Maintenance, Marketing, Curriculum, and Alumni Relations. If you would be interested in working on any of these committees, please contact Dr. Drew for more information at [email protected]